Diet to Prefer During Perimenopause and Menopause

Diet to Prefer During Perimenopause and Menopause

What to eat during perimenopause and menopause. Several people have asked me this question, so here are some tips.
Know that it is a period first that lasts several years and is explained by the drop in estrogen production in our ovaries, which brings some concerns, some symptoms including weight gain, so why do you gain weight during this period? Well, simply because there is a modification and reduction in the intake of about 150 to 200 cal per day, which is still quite substantial, and which explains this weight gain that we see in many women in the 8 to 15 pounds range or more. So why reduced it? Quite simply, because there is a decrease in lean muscle mass in the body, which is accentuated currently, losing our muscles a little, hence the importance of reviewing our diet and more generally our lifestyle, not adopting physical activity regular as well as a relaxing activity such as yoga and meditation. Look for what you like as physical activity and practice it regularly, that is, several times a week to keep that muscle mass at an ideal level. So where you may not have gained weight, especially when it happened in perimenopause or suddenly it changes, then you say you are thin, with each excess you gain a little weight, the weight goes up on the scale after an excess, there are a few extra kilos. It becomes very upsetting and stressful for a woman to gain weight, when sometimes you see the numbers skyrocket and you cannot lose those extra weights.

So, it’s time for change, it’s really time to take stock of your diet, maybe if you haven’t changed anything, your diet and you’re gaining weight and well, now is the time to check that there are no small mistakes. Is there a snack? There are repeated excesses of sweet products, aren’t you eating a little too much cheese? Isn’t there a little too much alcohol in your diet? Be honest with yourself, take stock of your diet, take a notebook, and write down everything you eat and drink during the day, it’s the best way to really see if there are no small mistakes.
My first suggestion would be to adopt the most balanced diet possible and a low glycemic index type diet, a low GI diet, because that will really allow you to better control your appetite, reduce sugar cravings, have a more stable disposition for to regulate your blood sugar and to limit blood glucose spikes that will cause abusive secretions of insulin and this will have positive repercussions on your health, your thinness, your figure and your well-being.
The second option was to look at the level of your diet, which is to take stock of omega 3. Why? Because the drop in estrogen levels will cause irritation and mood swings and omega 3’s will help regulate your mood just like the low GI diet will also help regulate your mood. Having a sufficient supply of omega 3 also allows you to be a little more relaxed, a little more serene and therefore fill up on omega 3, for example, consume one fatty fish a week, salmon, mackerel, anchovies, or herring and then think about linseed oil, camelina and hemp. Also include nuts in your diet and think about chia grains, for example, which are very rich in omega 3, so really think about omega 3, it is important to regulate your mood and therefore limit mood swings that can lead to it. you to eat a little more sugar and snack more. Another piece of advice is also to remember to stock up on magnesium.

Magnesium is a mineral that will help fight tiredness and during this perimenopause we are more tired, because, because we often have hot flashes, it is observed that in many women hot flashes are also due to this decrease in estrogen. Estrogen that regulates, in fact, that participates in the regulation of body temperature and the time that the body adapts to, that’s why there are those famous hot flashes that often occur at night and therefore disturb sleep and stress and make us lose sleep. sleep and causes ong-term fatigue, and magnesium helps fight fatigue effectively. So remember to stock up on magnesium, you can consume it via cocoa, so dark chocolate rich in cocoa in moderation of course, think nuts with dried fruit think whole grains and legumes and then load up on magnesium every now and then it might be interesting to do a little magnesium healing too over the course of 3 weeks, so instead I take marine magnesium which is even better assimilated by the body and so during this period I go back to the beginning of the balanced diet is the base there is no secret no there is no miracle. What really works is trying to eat as healthy as possible, compensating for small excesses, trying to limit excesses in quantity and frequency, systematically compensating for them and, above all, listening to your body about your feeling of hunger and satiety, which is important not to continue doing the same things we did before, really try to listen to your body and everything will go great!

Increase intake of:

Calcium and Magnesium
During menopause, women are at risk of developing osteoporosis due to the loss of estrogen. This plan includes foods rich in bone-building minerals such as calcium and magnesium. These nutrients help maintain healthy bones and prevent bone loss.

Example: magnesium – Almonds, spinach, tofu, dark chocolate, avocado, banana, pumpkin seeds, etc.
Calcium – oilseeds, legumes, some greens, seafood, sardines, etc.

The level of estrogen in the body decreases at menopause, causing the unpleasant side effect of hot flashes. Some research has shown that phytoestrogens can help reduce hot flashes.

Examples: tempeh, broccoli, carrots, and sesame seeds.

Low glycemic foods
During the transition to menopause, you may gain adequate weight and have difficulty controlling your blood sugar. This could be due to insulin resistance. Eating the right amount and type of carbs can help balance your insulin levels. This meal plan uses low-glycemic foods and excludes added sugars to optimize blood sugar and help with weight management.

Example: avocado, almonds, zucchini, tofu, broccoli, raw carrots, eggplant, etc.

During menopause, the natural decline in estrogen levels leads to loss of muscle mass and strength. Consuming enough protein daily would help prevent muscle loss, balance blood sugar and maintain a healthy weight. The ideal will be a consumption of 25% of calories in the form of proteins.

Example: Poultry, fish, meat, chickpeas, lentils, legumes in general, etc.

Healthy Fats
Good quality fats are associated with a minimal risk of heart disease and breast cancer. Consumer of good sources of omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids.

Example: Avocado, extra virgin olive oil, camelina oil, linseed oil, trout, and chia seeds.

Suggestion of healthy recipes to help with perimenopause and menopause symptoms.

Avocado boat stuffed with salmon

• 1 avocado
• 4 ounces of salmon
• ¼ of fresh lemon juice
1. Cut the avocado in half and remove the pit. Use the spoon to scoop out enough avocado to create a bigger hole for the salmon to fit in. Transfer the hollowed-out avocado to a small bowl.
2. Bake the salmon in the oven with salt and pepper
3. Cut the salmon into small pieces and add it to the bowl with the hollowed-out avocado.
4. Add lemon juice and knead until well blended.
5. Stuff the hollowed out avocado halves with the salmon puree mixture. Enjoy!

Yogurt with coconut and chia seeds

• 1 cup unsweetened coconut yogurt
• 1/4 cup of chia seeds
• 1 teaspoon of cinnamon
• 1/4 cup strawberries (chopped)
1. Combine coconut yogurt, chia seeds and cinnamon in a small bowl. Mix well and refrigerate for at least 4 hours or up to overnight.
2. Decorate with strawberries, and enjoy !

Tempeh, quinoa, and broccoli

• 1/4 cup of homemade vegetable broth
• 1/4 cup balsamic vinegar
• 1 teaspoon Italian seasoning
• 1/2 teaspoon sea salt
• 2 garlic cloves (chopped cloves)
• 9 ounces tempeh (cut into thin pieces)
• 3/4 cup quinoa (uncooked)
• 3 cups broccoli (cut into florets)
1. In a shallow bowl or zip lock bag, combine homemade vegetable stock, balsamic vinegar, Italian seasoning, salt, and garlic. Add the tempeh and toss gently to coat with the marinade. Let the tempeh marinate for at least 20 minutes.
2. Preheat oven to 375ºF (190ºC) and line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
3. Arrange the marinated tempeh evenly on the baking sheet. Make sure the tempeh pieces don’t overlap or touch each other. Bake for 24 to 26 minutes, turning halfway through. Season with additional salt if needed.
4. Meanwhile, cook the quinoa according to package directions.
5. While the quinoa is cooking, add the broccoli florets to a steamer basket over boiling water and cover. team for about 5 minutes or until tender. Divide the tempeh, quinoa and broccoli between plates and enjoy!

Berry and Avocado Smoothie

1. 1 xícara de leite de coco puro (sem açúcar, da lata)
2. 1/2 abobrinha (picada, congelada)
3. 1/4 xícara de couve-flor congelada
4. 1/2 xícara de frutas vermelhas congeladas
5. 1/4 abacate
6. 1 colher de sopa
7. Sementes de chia
8. 1/4 xícara
9. 1 porção de proteína de baunilha em pó
Coloque todos os ingredientes no liquidificador e bata até ficar homogêneo. Despeje em um copo e aproveite!
Bon appétit !

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